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What am I Doing?

Welcome back. With fall registration upon us, today's post will be me word vomiting all my indecisiveness with the fall semester and my future in general.


Starting off strong, I have no idea how many summer classes to take. I'm currently registered for 3, but I feel like I should be in 4. I don't want to spend my entire summer doing homework, but I think I'd rather take 4 over the summer than 3 and 1 in the winter. My winter class last semester was SO MUCH WORK for no reason, but maybe that's because I move slow... Anyway, I also want to start grad school applications which means taking 3 would be more beneficial now so I can budget more time for that, but my gut says I should be in 4. There also wasn't much of a selection for this past winter semester, so I don't want to screw future me over and end up having to take 6 classes in the spring. Decisions decisions...

I love asynchronous classes but the Mount doesn't seem to want to offer them anymore which is so frustrating. I don't do well in in-person classes; I get bored, zone out, get antsy, you name it, I've done it. Having back to back classes all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays is not going to end well for me. I could have taken marketing asynchronously, but I think that's going to be my 4th summer class. I'm looking forward to Creative Writing and Graphic Novels (if I get in) but I'm worried my schedule will end up draining me more than anything.

Alright, back to the grad school dilemma. I want to apply to grad school for film. I don't necessarily have to go, but I want to prove to myself that I can get in. I was looking up application requirements the other day, and it's a lot of work so I'd have to start working on the creative components soon. Hence why I don't know what to do about summer classes and part of why I'm worried about my schedule next semester. The main thing standing in my way though is my mother. She'll flip her lid when I tell her this is what I want to do. I told her I wanted to be a film major for undergrad and she was not happy so I can't imagine this will go any better. I'm just crossing my fingers that this all works out for the best.

Moral of the story, don't put off thinking about important decisions regarding your future. They will sneak up on you. Hope everyone has a good day though :)

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