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The Grand Finale

With the semester (finally) coming to a close, this will be my last blog post. Please, hold back the tears. Blogging isn't something I really enjoyed since it ended up feeling like a chore, but it was definitely more interesting than my other assignments so I'm quite grateful for that.

how I feel about this semester

I don't think I could've come up with class-related blogs without the prompts each week. The "choose your own adventure ones" are a different story since I wrote about whatever was on my mind at that moment, but I would not have done well with thinking of things to talk about that relate to the class on my own. The question of why we're blogging in a class about social media did stump me. Honestly, I think it's a more sustainable assignment, rather than having students make school related Instagram or Tik Tok accounts. It also gives students the opportunity to reflect and expand on what they've learned in class. Even though blogging is old, I'd rather write a blog post on impression management than make a Tik Tok about it (it feels like cringy).

I'm not sure this blog has truly contributed to my digital footprint. Obviously it's under my name, so if people look hard enough they'll find it, but I don't think it has or will make an impact on me or my digital footprint. If an employer were to find it, it's not like there's anything scandalous on here. Instead, they would have a different impression of me than if they had found nothing. I do not see myself continuing to blog in the future. As I said before, it feels more like a chore than anything, so I'd rather spend my time doing something else. More power to the people who enjoy it though.

That is officially all from me for the semester. Peace out homie

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